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About this app

Welcome to the Smalls Sliders Loyalty Program - Join today and start unlocking benefits and offers exclusively for our frequent sliders!
- Delicious Rewards: Earn and redeem points with each in-Can and online order purchase.
- Exclusive Perks: Access VIP offers, discounts, and special promotions just for our frequent sliders.
- Loyalty Tiers: Climb the tiers for greater rewards and special treats.
- Seamless Experience: Enjoy a user-friendly interface, easy navigation, and effortless tracking of your rewards - all within our app.
- Special Events: Be the first to know about new menu items, exciting events, and Smalls specials before anyone else!

Download our app and sign up for the Smalls Sliders Loyalty Program today to start earning and redeeming points. Thanks for slidin’ thru!
Terms and conditions apply.


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