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About this app

Every day there are many children being abused. The abusers can be anyone, from men to women, old or young, strangers or their family. This leaving serious consequences, long-term psychological damage for those children.

Safety for Kid - Child Abuse was built to help Kid protect themself as well as their parents to protect their child . This include introduction, examination and 26 interesting stories that help kid apply the knowledge to the real life.

Lesson 1: Parent teach Kid about PRIVATE PART OF BODY
Lesson 2: Parent teach Kid about UNSAFE TOUCH
Lesson 3: Parent teach Kid how to say NO - GO - and TELL to their parents.
Lesson 4: Parent teach Kid learn about UNSAFE TOUCH/ CONFUSING TOUCH
Lesson 5: OFFENDER around child.
Lesson 6: Learn about CIRCLE OF TRUST

This game designed focus on inspirational learning, skill-building, attractive contents to our young toddle will bring kids to a unique learning experience.

1.The content of this game has been evaluated by a non goverment orginization Management and Sustainable Development Institute ( MSD)
2. The lessons have been tested in some kitten garden and school.
3. 32 lessons that cover most situations in life.
Designed specifically for children and their parents with fun and interesting lessons


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