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About this app

Shut App (Sounds like shut up) automatically silences people who make noise or talk too loud - "SHH!"

There are different modes to choose from, and more than 20 quieting sound effects to suppress the noise and shut up - different types of hushing sounds ranging from a simply "SHHH!" to a more long living "SSSHHHHHHHHHH!" and including diverse variations of "Please be quiet!".
We did not include "stfu" as it is too rude of course.

Shut App is great when you in the office and need to politely keep the volume and noise levels down without having to tell people to shut up.

Shut App is VERY useful in EDUCATING people to be quiet and less noisy, since it is an app - no need to be annoyed and say things like stfu. People get excited about it hushing them, adopt quickly and shut up.
The app has been tested successfully in a loud office environment with up to 90% success rate, with productivity of people working in the "quiet zone" gone up significantly.

It is great when playing the "quiet game" with kids in order to keep it silent. (And maybe win a reward? right?)

There is also an option to use a "Shut up!" sound variation however, Shut App and its creators take no responsibility for any lawsuit or damage done to the user or its phone by different factor who might not be pleased about the sounds.


No APKs available Check back here in the future!