About this app
This Artificial Intelligence Full provides introductory Knowledge on Artificial Intelligence. It would come to a great help if you are about to select. You can briefly Know about the research area is prospering. The basic knowledge of computer science is mandatory. The knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering is a plus.
Learn Artificial Intelligence App provides a refreshing and motivating new synthesis of the field of Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis takes the user on a complete tour of this intriguing new world of Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to build or program computers to enable them to do what minds can do.
Major theoretical approaches are outlined, as well as some recent developments. This App is suitable for any psychologist, philosopher, or computer scientist wanting to know the current state of the art in this area of cognitive science.
In this Artificial Intelligence App you will learn following topics
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
- Goals of Artificial Intelligence
- What Contributes to Artificial Intelligence?
- Programming Without and With Artificial Intelligence
- What is Artificial Intelligence Technique?
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- History of Artificial Intelligence
- What is Intelligence?
- Types of Intelligence
- What is Intelligence Composed of?
- Difference between Human and Machine Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence - Research Areas
- Working of Speech and Voice Recognition Systems
- Real Life Applications of AI Research Areas
- Task Classification of Artificial Intelligence
- What are Agent and Environment?
- Agent Terminology
- Rationality
- What is Ideal Rational Agent?
- The Structure of Intelligent Agents
- Nature of Environments
- Properties of Environment
- Artificial Intelligence Popular Search Algorithms
- Search Terminology
- Brute-Force Search Strategies
- Comparison of Various Algorithms Complexities
- Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies
- Local Search Algorithms
- Simulated Annealing
- Travelling Salesman Problem
- Fuzzy Logic Systems
- Fuzzy Logic Systems Architecture
- Example of a Fuzzy Logic System
- Application Areas of Fuzzy Logic
- Advantages of FLSs
- Disadvantages of FLSs
- Natural Language Processing
- Components of NLP
- Difficulties in NLU
- NLP Terminology
- Steps in NLP
- Implementation Aspects of Syntactic Analysis
- Top-Down Parser
- Expert Systems
- Knowledge Base
- Inference Engine
- User Interface
- Expert Systems Limitations
- Applications of Expert System
- Expert System Technology
- Development of Expert Systems: General Steps
- Benefits of Expert Systems
- Robotics Artificial Intelligence tutorial
- Difference in Robot System and Other Artificial Intelligence Program
- Robot Locomotion
- Components of a Robot
- Computer Vision
- Application Domains of Computer Vision
- Applications of Robotics
- Neural Networks
- Types of Artificial Neural Networks
- Working of ANNs
- Machine Learning in ANNs
- Bayesian Networks (BN)
- Building a Bayesian Network
- Applications of Neural Networks
- Artificial Intelligence Issues
- Artificial Intelligence Terminology
- Intelligent System for Controlling a Three-Phase Active Filter
- Comparison Study of AI-based Methods in Wind Energy
- Fuzzy Logic Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Drives
- Advantages of Fuzzy Control While Dealing with Complex/Unknown Model Dynamics: A Quadcopter Example
- Retrieval of Optical Constant and Particle Size Distribution of Particulate Media Using the PSO-Based Neural Network Algorithm
- A Novel Artificial Organic Controller with Hermite Optical Flow Feedback for Mobile Robot Navigation
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