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About this app

Welcome to the most comprehensive app for learning cloud computing with beginner to advanced concepts. This app is designed for both beginners and experts. So if you want to learn cloud computing or already a professional in this industry then this app is going to be your best friend. Also this app is completely offline and without Ads.

Today the term cloud computing describes the abstraction of web-based computers, resources, and services that system developers can utilize to implement complex web-based systems. Often these cloud-based resources are viewed as virtual, meaning that if a system or solution needs more resources, such as processors or disk space, the resources can simply be added on demand and usually transparently to the application that uses them.

There are the following operations that we can do using cloud computing:

Developing new applications and services,
Storage, back up, and recovery of data,
Hosting blogs and websites,
Delivery of software on demand,
Data Analysis,
Streaming videos and audios

Topics Covered:

1- Introduction to Cloud Computing for beginners
2- Types of Clouds
3- Learn Virtualization
4- Cloud Service Models
5- Cloud Service Providers
6- Introduction to Software As A Service (SaaS)
7- Introduction to Platform As A Service (PaaS)
8- Learn Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)
9- Getting Started with Identification As A Service (IDaaS)
10- Learn Data Storage In Cloud
11- Learn Cloud Collaboration
12- Learn about Cloud Security
13- Learn Cloud Data Recovery
14- Learn about Cloud Migration
15- Learn Cloud Scalability

and so much more.

So Download now and start your cloud computing journey. Enjoy


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