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About this app

Cara is a social media and portfolio platform for artists, art enthusiasts, and fans.

Connect with peers and followers, share your work, and find industry jobs from AAA and award-winning studios.

Tired of AI-generated content? Our AI detector automatically filters out AI images from user portfolios. Explore our community to discover new art and discussions.

- Share images, gifs, and embed videos and Sketchfab links
- AI image detector so you can find non-AI art easily
- Keep track of people you meet at events with Cara QR codes! No more taking photos of namecards at artist alleys or misplacing someone's contact info
- Customize what shows up on your home feed
- Job listings from AAA and award-winning studios
- Direct messages
- About page on user profiles, where you can share an extended bio or your resume
- Bookmarks and folders, to organize references you want to come back to

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